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Renewable Energy Systems Guide 2024

Renewable Energy Systems Guide 2024

Have you ever felt the wind whispering as if it has a story to tell? I remember a day when I was visiting a village near my hometown, and the lights suddenly went out. “No power again,” someone muttered. That’s when I noticed something intriguing—a row of solar panels standing proud in the fields, soaking … Read more

Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (MAP) | Application | faults | Error Codes

This article is about MAP sensor. Manifold absolute pressure sensor (MAP SENSOR) In today’s vehicles the fuel utilization of an engine is controlled through sensors. These sensors is very important for the smooth running of vehicles. The control unit of the engine is brought together to the sensors and gather data from it. Then the … Read more

What is Current Transducer, How it Works and its Types

What is Current Transducer, How it Works and its Types

What is Current Transducer? let’s cover it! Table of Contents Current transducer (What is current transducer?) Electricity is everywhere around us and power is everything now a days. It is a very important requirement in all features of the modern world. To monitor and control such a common variable is very important for a large … Read more

N Type Semiconductor | Advantage | Disadvantage | Application

In this article you will know about N Type Semiconductors, its uses, how it is created, energy band diagram and conduction through N Type semiconductors. Table of Contents Semiconductor Semiconductors are the materials which are the properties of both conductor and insulator. There are two types of semiconductor materials, intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic ones are the semiconductor materials with no doping and therefore it is … Read more

P-Type Semiconductor | Advantage | Disadvantage

Illustration highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of P-type semiconductors in modern technology, including their role in solar panels and current flow

Imagine this: I’m sitting in a physics lab back in college, sweating over my final year project. My professor hands me a piece of silicon and says, “Waqar, you’re going to change the world with this!” That tiny, seemingly insignificant piece of silicon? It was P-type semiconductor material, and it was about to become the … Read more

Types of Conductors | electrical Conductors | Properties

Types of Conductors

This article is about Types of Conductors Table of Contents Definition (Types of Conductors) Every material is different by its characteristics and property. There are some materials which have electrically charged particles which are called free electrons, these free electrons can move freely inside the conductors. When these materials are connected to the circuit or battery … Read more

Types of Insulators | Electrical Insulator | Insulator

Types of Insulators

Types of insulators In this article you will read about insulator, types of insulators, uses of insulator, advantage and disadvantages of insulator. Electrical insulator Insulator is not the same as conductor. Conductors are the materials which is responsible for the conduction of electricity in other words the conductor provide the easier path to flow the charges.in the case of insulator, insulator are the materials … Read more

Overhead Conductor | Transmission and Distribution conductor | Advantage and Disadvantage

Overhead Conductor

This article is about overhead conductor or transmission and distribution conductor Conductor (Overhead Conductors) An electrical conductor is an object or the type of material which allows the electrical current to flow in one or more directions. Materials which are made from metals are common electrical conductors. Negative charge electron generates electrical current, in some cases the positive charge hole and positive or … Read more