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D-Tap Cable | Application | Advantages and Disadvantages

D-Tap Cable

This article is about D-Tap Cable its applications and comparison with P-Tap cable. Overview What is D-Tap cable? D-Tap cable is used to connect equipment with large gold mount or v mount battery. One end of the battery is connected to the battery and the other end of the battery is connected to the port … Read more

Best Battery Tester for Household Batteries | Battery Tester

Best Battery Tester for Household Batteries

Best Battery Tester for Household Batteries. Batteries play an important role in everyday life, they provide the initial power needed to start the engines of cars to act as a backup source of electricity in telecommunications, public transportation and medical procedures. Many electrical devices use batteries as key components. They are available in our vehicles, laptops, and CD players. A battery tester is an electronic device … Read more

Types of Inductor | Application of Inductor

Types of Inductor

Table of Contents Inductors Inductors are like resistors and conductors which are designed to carry out some important function. Its structure is coil-like, the coil is insulated wires which are looped around the core. inductors are used in electrical circuit. It is mostly used to decrease the electrical spike, store energy and release it back to the circuit.  … Read more

Color Coded Resistors

Color Coded Resistors

What is Resistor? A resistor is a device which regulate or limit the flow of current in the electrical circuit.it is the important components of the electronic circuits. The resistor has two terminals which are connected by trace or wire to the electrical circuit. The resistance is measured in ohm (Ω), which Is the ratio of voltage across the resistor to the current. The … Read more

Types of Resistors | Resistor | advantages and disadvantages | application

Types of Resistors

This article is about types of resistors. Table of Contents Resistor A resistor is a device which regulate or limit the flow of current in the electrical circuit.it is the important components of the electronic circuits. The resistor has two terminals which are connected by trace or wire to the electrical circuit. The resistance is measured in ohm (Ω), which Is … Read more

Capacitor in Series | Capacitors | Advantage and Disadvantage

Capacitor in Series

Capacitor is one of the important components in the three electronic components which make up the fundamentals of electrical circuits. The other two components are the resistor and inductor. Capacitor is a device that stores electrical charge. When voltage is supplied to it holds electrical charge and discharge itself when the circuit needs electrical charge.  … Read more

Types of Capacitors | Capacitor | Application

Types of Capacitors

Capacitor is one of the important components in the three electronic components which make up the fundamentals of electrical circuits. The other two components are the resistor and inductor. Capacitor is a passive device that stores electrical charge in the form of electrical fields. When voltage is supplied to it, it holds electrical charge and … Read more

Capacitors in Parallel | Capacitors | Advantages and Disadvantages

Capacitors in Parallel

Capacitor (capacitors in parallel) Capacitor is one of the important components in the three electronic components which make up the fundamentals of electrical circuits. The other two components are the resistor and inductor. Capacitor is a passive device that stores electrical charge in the form of electric fields. When voltage is supplied to it holds electrical charge and discharge … Read more

Capacitor and Inductor | Comparision | Capacitor | Inductor

Capacitor and Inductor | Comparision | Capacitor | Inductor

Capacitor and inductor Inductors oppose changes in the voltage, but capacitors oppose changes in current. The main difference between capacitor and inductor is that inductor store energy in the form magnetic field while the capacitor store energy in the form of electric field.  Comparision of Capacitor and Inductor Inductor capacitor  It opposes current  It opposes … Read more